Thursday, March 25, 2010

1 Month update 3/23/2010

1 Month in the Books!
Today's Blog will consist of a couple different sections, so if you don't want to read it all, you can scroll to the parts that sound more interesting to you. I will have a section on the classes I've finished. I'll have a section on tours I've been on. And a special section for funny memories (maybe).
Ezra/Nehemiah (Class #1)
The first class we did was was Ezra/Nehemiah. There was so much to glean from these books, especially being that i have a heart for ministry. The sum up these books in a nutshell, Ezra, with the help of Haggai and Zechariah (prophets) try to stir up the people to help rebuild the (2nd temple). Nehemiah tries to get the people stirred up to rebuild the city walls of Jerusalem who had just returned from exile in Babylon. In both books, the enemies of Israel were constantly trying to discourage the People of God from doing what God had wanted them to do. The applications are SO REAL for those who want to serve in the ministry. This class was taught by Ernest, the campus director here in Jerusalem

Elijah/Elisha (Class #2)
The Second class we did was Elijah/Elisha. There were many great lessons concerning
discipleship, boldness, and faith. We see these men in the books of 1 & 2 Kings. During their
day, the Northern Kingdom of Israel (10 tribes in the North and 2 in the southern Kingdom of
Judah) had been given over to Idolatry really beginning with Solomon's reign, but the nation as
a whole was fully given over under King Ahab's reign. King Ahab was a very wicked King in
Israel's history. In spite of the opposition, Elijah/Elisha were like Old Testament evangelists
pointing the people back to the Lord! Even in our day, many do not acknowledge the Lord as
King over their lives, but God has called us to point people to Jesus Christ who alone can atone
for man's sins! This class was taught by Jason Cunningham from Calvary Chapel Bible College
in Murrieta, CA.

Now we are just beginning our "Archeology and the Bible" Class with Joe Holden which is only
a couple days in, so there is not much too say about that yet, but let's move on to the tours....


The first week we arrived, Ernest, the campus director took us to both the sites that could be
place where Jesus was crucified, buried, and risen from the grave!!!! I'll try to post a couple
pictures of the places on this blog. The first site is the church of the Holy Sepulchre. This is
one of the oldest churches in the WORLD!!! It doesn't hold services anymore as it has been
given over to tourism. Many of the locals believe this is the site in which Jesus paid for the
sins of the world

The second site is called "the Garden tomb." At this site, there is a hill that does indeed have a
At this site, there is a hill that does indeed have a
huge Skull as the scriptures do declare. And not even a football field away is a tomb, hewn out
of a rock, just as the scriptures declare. Though i know i sound more favored toward 'the
Garden tomb" site, I still haven't been made my decision on which place i feel is the correct
location. I'm open to either place. It really doesn't matter which place it was because

Because the Temple Mt. is such a big site for the books of Ezra/Nehemiah, we went on the
Temple Mount before the riots began (PTL!)! The platform in which the dome of the Rock was
laid on was MUCH BIGGER than i had imagined. It was so sad too see (in my opinion) how in
bondage the Islamic Women were. They didn't appear very happy and when you get outside
American bubble of Freedom, you get a new understanding of how IMPORTANT the Gospel is!
The freedom Christ offers needs to be spread throughout the world because if it appears like it
or not, people are in need of the Truth (John 8:32).

For our Elijah/Elisha class, Jason Cunningham took us to Mount Carmel where Elijah 'did
business with the prophets of "Baal," as seen in 1 Kings 18. Just down the mountain side is
the valley of Megiddo where the Battle of Armageddon will take place as seen in Revelation 19!
Very exciting stuff!

Funny Memories

Well, this trip has been full of memories to say the least. Times of laughter, learning, bonding,
etc. I was in the "shook" as we call it here a few weeks ago. The "shook" is like an open market
where you can buy fruit, vegatables, and meats for cheaper than regular stores, and it has an
open outdoor market feel to it. When i made eye contact with a person working at one of these
'shops,' i waved and said, "Hola!" My buddy looked at me and said to me, "Did you just say
'Hola,' to that lady?" We died laughing! I felt like such an idiot! WRONG COUNTRY! :-)
Whoops! hahahaha! Oh well!

Let me know how life is back home! Miss you guys, but enjoying Israel, nevertheless!
